Turing machine

英 [ˈtʊərɪŋ məˈʃiːn] 美 [ˈtʊrɪŋ məˈʃiːn]

网络  图灵机; 图林机; 图灵机器; 林机; 杜林机



  1. In1982 Richard Feynman suggested that the venerable Turing machine might not be as powerful as people thought.
  2. Computability theory examines the limitations of various theoretical models of the computer, including the most powerful known model – the Turing machine.
  3. Just think of the inventors of the laser, the Turing machine or the discoverers of DNA.
  4. There are many states and complex function_ δ_ on conventional solving methods of Turing Machine.
  5. Through some examples, the paper shows that the Turing machine which scans multiple characters is equivalent to a Turing machine scanning one character.
  6. Research of Petri net model of basic Turing Machine
  7. Just haven't seen an inductive Turing machine used like that before.
  8. That is, they are capable of computation in the same manner as a universal Turing machine.
  9. Later, this model is called as the Turing machine.
  10. Oracle Turing machine cartographic mode My model aircraft transmitter failed and the plane went haywire and crashed into tree.
  11. It is proved that the SEE 'satisfiability is solvable in the polynomial time by means of giving a concrete deterministic Turing Machine.
  12. Summarily, the introduced work lays a foundation for further studies on more complicated quantum automata and quantum grammars such as quantum pushdown automata and Turing machine as well as quantum context-free grammars and context-sensitive grammars.
  13. The turing machine simulates the security system and describe the states transition of the security system and supplies a theory basis for designing architecture of the security system.
  14. Systemic security strategy is described by security query in administrative model of role-based access control ( RBAC). According to the definition of state-transition system, security analysis is defined and executed on Turing machine.
  15. The DNA molecular computation model of Adleman and the DNA molecular Turing machine of Shapiro et al. are also reviewed. At the end, the development of biological computers is prospected.
  16. They gave the formal definition of Turing reduction in terms of oracle Turing machine ( OTM).
  17. By inheriting from works done by others, we introduce Turing machine model, which is of most importance to the computational complexity theory, high level synthesis and logic synthesis.
  18. It is declared in the A. Church proposition that every algorithm can be described with a Turing machine.
  19. This article illustrates the origin of machine functionalism and the concept of Turing machine and machine table simply, then compares machine functionalism with behaviorism and identity, and discusses the understanding of machine functionalism about mind-body problem and its positive sense.
  20. A computation model, called procedure scheme, for convergent infinite computations was proposed, on the basis of classical Turing machine and formal theory sequences and their limits.
  21. Turing Machine and Its Construction Researching
  22. An Analysis of the Difference in Computing Efficiency between Off-Line Turing Machine and Single-Tape Turing Machine
  23. Much work has been done in this completely new area and remarkable results have been achieved, such as quantum Turing machine, quantum teleportation and quantum cryptography.
  24. As a matter of fact, human mind is a Turing machine. So, each human mental state is equal to a computational state, and each mental procedure is equal to a computational procedure with the mental representation as its object of computation.
  25. The computer power of DNA computation and P system has been proven to be equivalent with Turing machine. But the parallel computing mechanism which is adopted by DNA computing and P system is far superior to the serial computing system which is the basis of the traditional computer.
  26. The finite state automaton is a type of programmable and autonomous computing device which possess partial Turing machine computing power.
  27. According to Putnam, the theory of Turing machine acts as a proper analogy for us to understand the mind of human beings.
  28. In the "theoretical" route Turing constructed an abstract math model, namely Turing Machine, to settle determinant questions.
  29. Turing machine takes the intuition conception of feasible computability into strict formality and the "Church-Turing Thesis" that "any feasible computability function is universal Turing machine computability" is come into being.
  30. Through simulating Turing machine, it is proved that these systems are Turing universal in synchronous working mode.